Overstressed Moms start here

A online coaching platform for mothers ready to recapture their joy, health, and Self.

Be the first to know when
The Journey to Joy
coaching program is open for
January 2025.

✔ You’re ready to commit to making yourself a priority.

✔ You want to practice skills that support your nervous system toward safety and love.

✔ You desire to shift into openness, patience, and compassion for yourself and your children.

✔ You want to work with your hormonal cycle to avoid stress and maximize the strengths of each menstrual phase (yes, and perimenopause).

✔ You’re ready to heal from the past and live as your True Self with an innate joy for life.

Heal your body and being with intentional rest, movement, nutrition, play, and pleasure practices!

✔ Feel confident that you are a good mother and that you can handle whatever life brings you.

✔ You are actively searching for your next mentor who’s been where you are and can guide you through nervous system healing, energy building, cultivating love, and boundary setting for the joyful life you know you deserve!

This program is
for you if:

If you’ve forgotten what brings you joy, makes you laugh, and fills up your energy cup, you’re not alone.

My name is Angela Nichols.

I’ve been a wellness coach for over 10 years.

I returned to coaching after becoming a single mother and experiencing burnout.

I couldn’t see I was in it.

I knew I was exhausted, but I felt like I had no other option, so I kept going.

I’d get the smallest break and think that was enough.

It wasn’t.

I was trying so hard, but I was stuck.

  • I was trying to parent a deeply feeling toddler - constantly having to make all the parenting decisions and questioning whether I was making the right ones.

    • I was working part-time in a role that felt like constant crisis management and having to make full-time decisions.

    • I took on debt to start up my own business, which gave me a 6-7 day work week.

    • I had mom guilt (shame actually) swarming around my mind and heart.

    • I was in the depths of processing childhood trauma and grief.

    • I couldn’t keep up with basic household tasks.

    • I was isolated by a post-Covid world and felt no one was on the same page about parenting and being in the world.

    • I was further isolated by the fact my toddler was struggling with loud noises - I would even have to leave small family gatherings. People rarely visited me at my home.

    • I applied extreme self-pressure and my perfectionist tendencies held me captive.

    • I couldn’t turn to alcohol any longer because I was several years sober - but I resorted to microdosing with mushrooms to manage the weight of it all.

    At the time, I couldn’t see the value of slow. I was stuck on “do” and in survival mode.

    I was conditioned to believe I should be doing it all - with a smile of appreciation.

BUT THEN .. something changed


One night, after yelling at my two-year-old for not going to sleep, and crying on the bathroom floor in shame, exhaustion, and loneliness, I reached my point of no return.

It was time to reach out to someone who could help me heal - for myself, yes - but mostly for my daughter. I needed to be the truest and most loving version of myself for her well-being.

That’s why

I created this program:

I am passionate about supporting mothers who want to do better for their children so that we can create a more loving and holistic relationship with the earth and each other.

3 Pillars to Deepen your Capacity to Love

Pillar 1: Embody Vitality

Pillar 2: Nourish Your Nervous System

Pillar 3: Discover Your True Self

The solutions (+ practices) to support these pillars

  • When you are exhausted and have depleted energy, accessing your joy is almost impossible.

    Within this pillar, you will focus on Revitalizing your Life Force Energy by:

    i. Practicing Intentional Rest

    ii. Cultivating Physical Health
    iii. Practicing Play & Pleasure

  • We’ve been conditioned to disconnect from our bodies and life’s cyclic nature.

    By becoming embodied, you support your body, mind, and soul to live its purpose on this Earth. This is accomplished by:

    i. Connecting & Flowing with Nature

    ii. Trusting Vital Body Wisdom

    iii. Embodying Your Purpose

  • Much of our stress and suffering is caused by:

    - Past experiences that we repeat in the present

    -Not understanding the energetic forces within ourselves

    This solution focuses on increasing your awareness of your past and working with the energetic forces within you by:

    i. Balancing Heart & Mind Energy

    ii. Integrating Your Past

    iii. Balancing Your Masculine & Feminine

Be the first to know when The Journey to Joy coaching program is open for January 2025.