Hi, I’m Angela

I support you in building your resilience to everyday stress
and embodying a deep love for who you truly are.

My mission is to support you in reconnecting with your body and innermost knowing, so you finally feel free to love and live your fullest expression.

Utilizing movement, nutrition, self-awareness, and other self-discovery tools, I help you find balance within your body, mind, and heart.

If your goal is to experience greater health and wholeness, let’s work together.

Here’s How We Can Work Together

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    Wellness & Life Coaching

    By bringing greater awareness to your body, energy, thoughts, and emotions, you can begin to leave overstressed behind.

    Together we work to support your nervous system, address limiting thoughts and habits, and live in alignment with what brings you joy and vitality.

  • woman receiving reiki treatment

    Reiki Healing

    Reiki helps you release what you no longer need. Sessions can be a powerful form of self-care, healing, and expansion.

    Reiki healing brings your energetic body into alignment so that you can heal yourself.

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    New Moon Sacred Circle

    If you yearn for deep connection and growth in your life, Sacred Circle is calling you.

    We gather to share, communicate, and connect in a way that has been practiced since ancient times. It is through this ancient tradition that we find solace, support, and guidance on our individual journeys.

  • women in circle ceremony

    Feminine Ceremonies

    Looking for a deep and different way to celebrate life’s special transitions?

    Feminine Ceremonies infuse sacred intention into births, motherhood, marriage, and elderhood.

    Celebrating transitions into a new way of being with Ceremony is a beautiful choice.

Upcoming events & classes

Experience the magic of sacred women's circles and rejuvenating yoga retreats on full moon days.

Join us for enchanting winter solstice and other seasonal celebrations.

Connect with like-hearted people and discover your true self in these transformative gatherings.

Who do we serve?

Budding Moon welcomes FLINTA* (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender) people who are ready to reconnect with themselves, deepen their relationships and feel part of an intentional community dedicated to healing and heart-directed living.

Budding Moon

Visit for relaxation, resilience, and connection.

Follow our journey.